Thursday, December 16, 2010

Are You Having Fun?

A few months ago, my friend Dawn and I signed up for an "On-the-Spot Sketching" series of workshops instructed by John Wood; a brilliant artist who taught us during our first year in college more than a few years ago. 

We were very excited to have the opportunity to learn from John again, and with good reason.  We both loved the workshops and left each one of them smiling and feeling a renewed (and new) enthusiasm for drawing.  Not only did John aim to teach us about perspective in drawing, but also in attitude...and it was liberating.

John's classes in college were highly informative, but also rather intimidating.  If you weren't up to snuff you did not get off easy, and Dawn and I had both feared it could be the same way this time around. 

That wasn't the case at all.  Along with a great deal of encouragement and support, there were many times when John would ask us: "Are you having fun?"...and an honest "yes" was the answer he hoped to hear. 

That was the point of the whole thing and a big part of what he wanted to teach us.  Having fun.  Not worrying what others think or how well it turns out (if it turns out at all); just learning from the experience, enjoying the process and having fun.  How wonderful to hear this from a man who's talent we so admired.

It's a simple concept that makes a lot of sense, but not an easy thing to actually do.  I'm going to have to work against years of self doubt and anxiety, but this is a lesson that I really do want to learn so I'm going to give it my best.

Blind Contour Drawing - September 2010

This is a blind contour drawing that I did of Dawn during one of our workshops, and I'm happy with it for these three reasons:

When John saw it he said "Sh*t!  I LOVE it!!" (and then apologized for swearing);

Dawn and her husband (both talented artists/designers) have it hanging in their dining room; and most importantly...

I had fun doing it.

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